Since this morning, we have been participating in the advocacy workshop at the Ministry of Justice, on the implementation of the law N5-2011 of February 25, 2011 on the promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples in the Republic of Congo.
Organized by the Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Promotion of Indigenous Peoples, in partnership with the World Food Program, this workshop aims to assess the level of implementation of the said law, while proposing concrete corrective actions. This, along with a strategy for resource mobilization and partnership.
Espace Opoko is represented at this activity by its representative in the department of Lekoumou, the fundraiser in Brazzaville and the communication officer.
During this activity, we shared our experience and proposed some actions such as the construction of boarding schools for indigenous students.
We hope that our proposals will be taken into account in order to give indigenous children the same chances of success at school.