After school, children are not helped with homework at home because parents cannot read or write. Therefore, parents cannot serve as role models for children to encourage them to read and write at home. This makes school very difficult for these children.
This is why we are planning to build a literacy center in an Aboriginal environment to teach parents to read and write.
Thanks to our partner Alliance Biblique du Congo, the largest organization in Congo that runs literacy centers in the north of the country, we had trained 4 indigenous adults to become trainers of literacy centers. With their nationally recognized certificates, these four people became resource persons for our pilot literacy project for parents of indigenous children. These four resource persons will be agents of change who will gather a total of 80 adults twice a week to teach them to read and write.
This project will teach parents to read and write so that they can follow their children’s education. Reading is also an open window on the world, this project also aims to give parents, characters to emulate in order to get out of the cultural constraints related to their environment.
Firstly, these centers will encourage parents to get involved in their children’s education. Secondly, by getting involved in reading, parents will serve as role models for their children through teaching by example. Finally, these centers will allow Pygmy parents to escape the cultural constraints of their environment by discovering other models of life in books.
For the realization of this project, we need $15000.