We had a working session today with Mrs. Micheline Nguessimi, Prefect of the Lekoumou department.
The purpose of the session was to present the activities of Espace Opoko, the results we have achieved so far. We also presented the difficulties we encounter in the school education of indigenous children in the department of Lekoumou.
Finally, we took the opportunity to talk about the scammers who use the images and activities of Espace Opoko to request funds in the name of indigenous people from international organizations.
The Prefect of the Department was very satisfied with the results of Espace Opoko and promised to contribute to give the same opportunities for school success to indigenous children. She also promised to plead with organizations such as UNICEF and the World Food Program to support Espace Opoko in order to sustain the achievements we have had so far.
Let’s note that Espace Opoko is currently supporting the education of 104 indigenous children, 3 in university, 6 in high school and 2 in vocational school. These are the only indigenous high school and university students in the department of Lekoumou.